Seven Elements of How Clients Buy


Seven Elements of How Clients Buy

  1. Prospective clients become aware of your existence. This might be from an introduction from friend, an article you wrote.,or because they met you at a conference.
  2. They come to understand what you do and how you are unique. They can articulate what you do clearly to others.
  3. They develop an Interest in you and your firm. They have goals, set by themselves or others, and they can see how what you do might be useful in their efforts to realize those goals. What you do is relevant.
  4. They respect your work and are filled with confidence that you can help. They look to your track record, to their peers, and to a variety of social clues to determine if you are credible and likely to move the needle on their goals.
  5. They trust you, confident you will have their best interest at heart.
  6. They have the ability to pull the trigger, meaning they are in a position to corral the money and organizational support needed to buy from you.
  7. They are ready to do something. The timing is right insider their organizations, and they have the headspace to manage you

What do you think?

Written by marketer



