前言:試題是在Learning Tableau 上花$購得,解題的過程是對優秀軟體的充分體驗,對數據的處理有翻手為雲,覆手為雨的淋漓快感。 免費分享給同筆主一樣熱愛一切美好事物的有志青年。
Tableau在最新的數據可視化魔力象限里當仁不讓的領頭羊,也有最大的客戶群。 在北美準備Tableau的Desktop Qualified Associate證書,不是easy的過程。 通往數據分析師的道路上,總有雞湯無數,也許是每種技能的get, 都是無數腦細胞的training和fit。 It's not easy, but have fun.
Tableau Desktop Qualified Associate (DQA) 考試2小時36道題,包含knowledge和hands-on兩類題型。 Hands-on類型會提供dataset下載。
Protected: Tableau 10 Practice Exam
- Answer the questions using the
For films where Disney was not the lead studio, what was the % decrease in profitability from 2010 to 2011?
A. 55.3%
B. 7.2%
C. 11.59%
D. 86.28%

Answer: B. 7.2%
2. Answer the questions using the
For boys born between 2000 and 2012, the most common first letter for the top name by state was:
A. W
C. J
D. D

Answer: C. J
3. Answer this using the
Find the total sales value for all product subcategories for customers who ordered office furnishings.
A. 3,864,069
B. 8,119,645
C. 2,258,326
D. 2,786,637
Tips: 這道題並非單純求subcategory的sales, 而是求買了office furnishings的customers在所有subcategories的total sales.
這個計算域是生成一個flag, 標識customer是否買了office furnishings。 對於同一customer, 可能會有多個order, 一旦某個order中包含office furnishings,IF選項會滿足並返回1,用了MAX() 表示只要有返回1的 (無論有幾個1),則最終結果為1。 用Min不可以。 這個邏輯想清楚,你就明白為何用Max了。 後面有不少場景也用Max()的情況。

Answer: A. 3,864,069
4.Answer this question with the
How many players have the first name “Anna”
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

Answer: B. 2
5. The AVG function does not treat null values as zeros. Rather, the AVG function ignores null values.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A. True
6. Answer this question with the
Using the Players sheet, what percent of pitchers and catchers had a batting average above 0.300 and had fewer than 10 runs?
A. 36.54%
B. 63.46%
C. 19.23%
D. 80.77%
E. 80.23%

Answer: C. 19.23%
7. An aggregated calculation can be multiplied by a non-aggregated constant.
A. True
B. False
Answer: A
8. Answer this question with this
How many failed votes were there for bills where the Sponsor Party was Republicans (coded as R) from Colorado (coded as CO) in 2013?
A. 3
B. 36
C. 78
D. 66
E. 1,188
解題第一步,將Data Source裡Bills和Sunlight Info兩個Sheets以LEFT JOIN的方式聯結在一起。 然後再添加Filters以及必要的計算域。

Answer: B. 36
9. Answer this question with this
New England consists of the following states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. Which year saw the greatest increase in adults on probation?
A. 1998
B. 2002
C. 2009
D. 2011

Answer: B. 2002
10. Answer this question with the Teams 2014 and Games worksheets on the
The Games data includes information on games played in 2015, including showing the team that won each game. Which team had the biggest increase in winning games between 2014 and 2015?
A. Lightning
B. Knights
C. Bears
D. Ninjas

Answer: D. Ninjas
11. Answer this question with the Teams 2013 and Teams 2014 worksheets on the
Which team had the biggest decrease in games won from 2013 to 2014?
A. Lions
B. Bears
C. Tigers
D. Lightning

Answer: A. Lions
12.Using the
What was the month and year with the largest absolute increase in average Open value from the same month in the prior year?
A. January 2015
B. January 2016
C. March 2016
D. March 2015
E. None of the above
方法1:很有意思一題。 在Data Source tab, 先把BBY2014, BBY2015 and BBY2016 union在一起,把"Date"域Merge在一起並修改回Date.


Answer: D. March 2015
13.When using a _____ join the result is a table that contains all values from the left table and corresponding matches from the right table.
Answer: E
14.If you see duplicate data after doing a join you may be able to eliminate the duplication by which of the following?
A. Combine the tables using a cross database join rather than a standard join
B. Add a duplicate filter to your data
C. Change the join condition
D. Change to a full outer join
Answer: C. Change the join condition
15.Answer this question with the Games worksheet from the
Create a line graph showing away team runs for the Lions by month. Add a linear trendline. What is the R-squared value?
A. -0.1346
B. . 6846
C. .7503
D. .0573

Answer: B. . 6846
16.Answer this question with the Players worksheet from the
Create a bar chart showing runs by player name. Add a reference distribution showing sample standard deviations. What is one standard deviation below the mean?
A. 1.94
B. 27.07
C. 172.58
D. 8.70

Answer: A
17._______ is a tendency to increase or decrease over time
A. Seasonality
B. Slope
C. Trend
D. Gradient
Answer: C
18.Which of the following graph types provide information on the distribution of a continuous measure?
A. Pie Chart
B. Heat Map
C. Box Plot
D. Packed Bubbles
Answer: C
篇幅關係,本貼記錄18道題,Tableau DQA考試為36題,剩餘一半會在下篇呈現。 如對你有幫助,歡迎點讚評論和轉發,以鼓勵筆者寫下去。 祝大家考試順利。